To Place an ad:
Members post for free until the car is sold or the owner notifies us to take the ad down, which ever comes first.
Non-members may post an ad for up to 3 months for $20.00
If you would like to list your car or parts for sale on this site, send an email to with a description of the items for sale, photo and contact information. If you are not a member of the club go to the Store to purchase the advertisement, then send the information.
If you are not a member, Why not join the club? It's only $40.00 and you receive all the benefits of membership - Beautiful cars, great friends, and good food. Go to the Join Us page.
The Houston MG Car Club does not take any responsibility for nor warranty, endorse, recommend or provide any guarantees of these listings.
You can outsmart the vast majority of would-be scammers by following these common-sense rules: