Have you been out for Chinese recently?
Let’s all meet at the Silver Palace Buffet at 4004 Bellaire Blvd (near Weslayan) at 11:30 am to celebrate the Year of the Rat! We’ll be meeting in the Party Room in the back past just past multiple rows of delicious food.
Like so many traditions, the origins of the Chinese zodiac vary. It is said that Buddha called in all the animals to help mankind, and out of all the animals only 12 stepped up. It was also said that a great race was held to decide which animals would be in the zodiac and their placement for eternity.
Come prepared for a few laughs (or groans) while you look back at your 2019 Chinese Zodiak sign and see how accurate the prediction was or was not. This means you might be sharing the year were born, but if you don’t want to you can look up your year https://www.astrology.com/chinese-zodiac . Then we’ll have sheets featuring the 2020 predictions for your animal, again more laughs or groans!
When you arrive park over to the west side directly across from Whole Foods. I hear that part of the lot is often empty and Scott and I will be there early to assist with lining up the cars.
Contact Us: HoustonMGCarClub@gmail.com
Houston MG Car Club
10119 Hibernia Dr.
Houston, TX 77088