This year the Houston MG Car Club will have its own display at the Houston AutoRama.
The guidelines and instructions for this event are a bit complicated so if you are interested in submitting your car for display or procuring tickets for the event please read the following instructions carefully.
Displaying Your MG!
We have the ability to display up to 6 cars and our desire is to have a representation of the MG marque from across the decades. If you are interested in displaying your car please send an email to Mike Woodward at indicating your interest. Please include a photo of your car indicating your interest.
If we have more than six cars submitted a selection of cars will be made that best represent the marquee. Please send your email before October 5th at 5:00pm. NOTE: THIS IS A CHANGE FROM THE PRIOR CUT-OFF DUE TO A CHANGE IN THE REGISTRATION DATE FROM THE AUTORAMA. WE APOLOGIZE FOR THE SHORT NOTICE.
Note that your car will need to be put in place at the convention center on Wednesday, November 27th and remain in place through Sunday, December 1st.
Owners of selected cars will be contacted by Mike through email with further instructions.
Attending The Event!
The club receives 12 free tickets for each day of the event. In order to fairly distribute these tickets we have set up an event for each day with a limit of 12 people per day. The tickets are available only to HMGCC members and each person can claim up to two tickets per day.
To secure your ticket go to the event announcement on our website for the appropriate day and register the number of people for whom you want tickets.
Driver Award Note: Remember, the attendance and mileage for this event is only counted once for the purpose of our Driver Awards no matter how many days you attend.