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Memories of the HMGCC

September 22, 2024 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Memories of the HMGCC by Wayne Moore

I was asked to jot down a few of my special memories from Dixie's and my days in the Houston MG Car Club, so here goes.

We joined the club in September of 1987. We were new to MGs but we were experienced in time-speed-distance rallies. A year or so after we became members there was a night rally planned for the club. We were excited, hoping to do well, maybe even to win the thing. That is, we were excited until we found out that one of our new members was a professional rallyist! This fellow had rallied in Mexico, South America, and other points north and south. To make matters worse he would be driving his showroom-new Porsche.

The night of the rally the young pro showed up with his rally clothes on, his beautiful Porsche, and his very lovely fiancée. He was to drive and she would be his navigator. Oh, well, we figured you can't win them all.

The rally began with the cars leaving the starting line three minutes apart. Truthfully, I can't remember how we did, but I remember that all of the cars finished; that is all of the cars except for one. You guessed it. The Porsche was nowhere to be seen. After an hour Mr. Pro was disqualified for being late.

Just as Dixie and I were preparing to leave for home the Porsche arrived at the finish line. The rallyist and his bride-to-be were literally screaming at each other. He was accusing her of not being able ot read or follow instructions and she was accusing him of...oh well, you get the picture. The end of the story is that the wedding was called off and we never saw either of them again.

Editor:  Competitive club rally events can be hazardous to relationships.  

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Houston MG Car Club

10119 Hibernia Dr.

Houston, TX  77088

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