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Just A Little Leak

March 21, 2020 8:11 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

By Francis (Chip) Uricchio M.D.

Forty years ago I owned my first MGB. I was living in Philadelphia and going to school in Boston. Upon driving back to school up I-95 in MGB #1, I stopped at the Vince Lombardi rest area just south of NYC. When I turned off the ignition, the car saw fit to dump an entire oil pan of motor oil on the ground. I was aware that automobiles occasionally leaked oil, but this was unusual. I figured out that as long as the engine was running, the oil stayed put. So I turned around, drove back to Philly, and made other arrangements to get to Boston. I left the car with a mechanic friend who made the necessary repairs. As it turned out, the gasket on the mount that holds the oil filter away from the block failed and caused my difficulty. 

This seems like a problem that only an MG could have. I laugh about it now, but I was not amused at the time!

The first entry in the Corona Competition, check back throughout the week for more entries.

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