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MG Car Club

It's all about the MG's - The British Sports Car America Loved First

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Houston MG Car Club and the Corona Virus

April 30, 2020 8:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Houston MG Car Club and the Corona Virus

During the vexing times forced upon us by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Houston MG Car Club has continued as the “Marque of Friendship” by seeking ways to bring club life closer-to-normal for members and friends.

With time on our hands, we continue to challenge each other to share our MG-related stories for the digital newsletter, THE ROARS, with a timely reward to entice us. Virtual events via Zoom have offered online tech sessions, monthly member meetings, and even a proper “pub quiz.” While perhaps not providing the usual face-to-face camaraderie, these have been welcome substitutes for our normally scheduled events.

We eagerly invite you to participate in these events. Just go to and set up a free account. Then send an email to requesting you be added to our email list. You will automatically receive Zoom sign-in information for any upcoming events. You may also find a listing of times and topics for upcoming events on the Events section of the website (

The economic impact of COVID-19 in our area has been more severe than in many of the world’s other large cities due to our dependence on the oil and gas industry. In our “shut-down” state, world oil prices have plummeted to the lowest level in decades. To reach beyond ourselves, the HMGCC has responded to assist those hit hardest in our community by providing a charitable contribution to the Houston Food Bank. They do sterling work to provide food and vital services to many local residents devastated by job loss and severe reduction in income. We are proud to support the Houston Food Bank.

I wish to thank the Board of Directors and Officers of the Club for all of their hard work during these trying times. We all wish the best for each of you and your families as we move forward to brighter days. 

Safety Fast!

Mike Woodward, President

Houston MG Car Club

Contact Us:

Houston MG Car Club

10119 Hibernia Dr.

Houston, TX  77088

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