We all know that the Houston MG Car Club serves our local members well, but you may be surprised to learn that there are people from around the world who are visiting our website. Through Google Analytics we are able to see where our visitors are from. Of course, the top country is the U.S. and as you would expect the country with the second most visitors is Canada. But from there it gets interesting. The next three are the United Arab Emirates, China and the UK. We have also had visitors from other unexpected locations such as Argentina, Philippines, Turkey and Russia (hope it wasn't to influence the vote of our club elections).
Here are the top countries from where we have had visitors to our website:
- Canada
- China
- UK
- Japan
- Netherlands
- Australia
- France
- Germany
- Argentina
- Brazil
- Philippines
- Mexico
- India
- New Zealand
- Finland
- Turkey
- Denmark
- Singapore
- Belgium
- Italy
- Russia
- Hong Kong