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MG Car Club

It's all about the MG's - The British Sports Car America Loved First

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The Roars

  • December 05, 2022 11:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As always thanks to Tony for keeping upi with this.

  • December 04, 2022 6:06 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As always thank to Tony for all hjis hard work on this.

  • December 04, 2022 6:04 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thanks to Greg for his hard work on this.

  • December 04, 2022 5:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As always thank to Greg for his hard work keeping up with this.

  • November 15, 2022 4:19 PM | Anonymous member

    The morning of October 29 dawned grey and murky, the last vestiges of summer having blown out the day prior. The warriors grimly awoke in the gloom of pre-dawn, knowing they were to face their toughest battle. Yes, the day of the autumn Autocross had arrived, and the Triumphs were waiting to defend their trophy against the heroic onslaught of the Abingdon gang, Houston division.

    As our troops converged on the Houston Police Academy training track, the puddles from the rain on Saturday were drying, but a heavy cloud layer still threatened showers and the temperatures made several combatants regret that they had disconnected their weak British heaters. Slowly the battalion assembled, and it looked like the call to arms had been heard wide and far. Twenty-one assorted MGs gathered to face off against seventeen Triumphs, who were sitting smug with their slab sides and looking down their Michelotti noses.

    Our troops were led by Brigadier Glen Carpenter in his trusty 1934 MG PA, the most veteran charger in the field. Also joining the fray were a trio of MGAs, matched by a trio of MGB/GTs, and supported by a battalion of Bs. We faced off against a raggedy lot including a TR3A, a TR3B, a TR7, a TR8, four Spitfires, and a passel of TR6s.

    Wing Commander Michael Woodward gamely inspected the steeds to ensure that they were ready to face the rigors of the day. The rigorous technical inspection let to many a boot being emptied on the spot.

    A parade lap was held to familiarize the troops with the field of battle. At almost a mile in length, the troops would face a gauntlet of 50 gates in order to complete the course. It was a challenging layout, the longest one yet laid out by the field marshals.

    The battle commenced as the first of five heats got underway. Each car was allowed three runs around the course, and the air was soon filled with the bark of hot exhaust and the protest of tires being pushed past their limits. The scent of burning brakes and tortured rubber wafted over the field. The competitors watched and waited their turns as adrenaline surged through their veins.

    Early on, Team Abingdon suffered a major casualty as the gold MGB/GT belonging to Lieutenant Larry Lovins suffered “the worst that can happen” and had to be carried off the field to a hospital by ambulance. Fortunately, his was the only serious injury and the rest of the team’s steeds endured only minor cuts and bruises.

    Several feats of glory stood out amongst the fray. Early in Heat One, Corporal Scott Hardy set a blistering time of 110.013, which stood up for most of the day. The faithful PA of Brigadier Carpenter went the full measure, standing up to the rigors of six demanding laps. And in the last heat of the day, Sergeant Robert Nelson pushed his white MGB to an outstanding 109.974, earning his place in the pantheon of heroes!

    Alas, our efforts were in vain, as the dastardly Triumphs reigned, well, triumphant on this day, claiming both the fastest individual time of the day and the fastest average individual time. But we got them where it really counts, taking home the team spirit award by having more troops on the ground!

    Our thanks to the TTR for another outstanding event, and be sure to put this event on your calendar for next year. It’s the most fun you will have in your car all year!

    • -       Contributed by Scott Hardy
    • -       Photos by Ed Eveson. Visit ManCaveArt on Facebook to see them all!

  • November 12, 2022 4:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The 32nd Annual Houston All British Car Day was held October 8th at the Butler House in Spring, TX.  The weather could not have been more perfect, the Butler House was an amazing host, the cars beautiful and plentiful.  A great time was had by all.  A BIG THANK YOU to Alex Laverock for organizing this year's event.  He did an amazing job. Thank YOU to everyone who volunteered and made this year’s event a success.

    The award winners are listed on the AWARDS WINNERS page.

    Oh yea, and we have already booked the Butler House for next year. Stay tuned to The ROARS for the 2023 event announcements.  In the meantime enjoy reminscing through the photos from this year's event.

  • November 01, 2022 7:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    For those of you that missed the fall Autocross you missed out on a great event. There were 42 drivers present. 24 from HMGCC and 18 from TTR. The results are shown below :

  • October 18, 2022 12:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bear with me as this is a story that covers more than 2 years, or possibly decades.  In February of 2020 we were contacted through the club’s email by Paul, a gentleman in Aberdeeneshire, Scotland who is a car enthusiast.  He had received a box of parts and found within them two grill badges from our very own Houston MG Car Club.  As an enthusiast he knew the value of helping the badges find their way back home to the club they represent.

    Paul shared with us that the parts came from an older gentleman’s collection that was stored in a shed owned by one of Paul’s co-workers.  They became available when the prior owner passed away a few years back. As a fun fact, the shed is located in Ballater which is very close to the Balmoral Estate where Queen Elizbeth stayed when she was in Scotland.

    Recognizing how great it would be to have these in our possession I immediately reached out to Paul thanking him for contacting us and expressing our interest to have them returned to the club.  Then the fury of the COVID pandemic hit.  In addition, Paul works offshore, interesting enough for a Houston based oil & gas company, and we both had issues with emails being lost in our spam folders.  With all these disruptions it took more than two years before we made the proper arrangements to have the badges returned but they are safely in the archives of the club.

    I am pleased to report that one of the badges is being put to good use.  It is the centerpiece on our newest club award trophy – The Kimber Spirit Award.

    The Kimber Spirit Award recognized the club member family who attends the most club sanctioned events each year.  You can learn more about this and our other awards on the ABOUT page of our website.

    The second grill badge is also interesting, stay tuned to learn more about it in a future post….

  • October 05, 2022 11:11 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • September 06, 2022 10:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The September monthly meeting was held at the Butler House (home of the 2022 Houston All British Car Day) with a great turnout of members and friends.  We had the porch area all to ourselves, the burgers where hot and the beer was cold.  

    You may have heard of aroma therapy, well Ron Redding and Mike Woodward presented on fluid therapy for our LBC's.  Their recommendations for the fluids to be used on our cars are:

    • Engine Oil - Castrol GTX 20W50 Classic
    • Gearbox - MGT's 80/90 weight gear oil; MGA & MGB's Castrol GTX 20W50
    • Rear Axle - 90 weight gear oil
    • Front Suspension - Multi-purpose lithium grease
    • Propeller Shaft - multi-purpose lithium grease
    • Steering Rack - white lithium grease
    • Brake & Clutch reservoir - Dot 3 or 4; or upgrade to Dot 5, but requires a complete flush and brake system renewal.  Do not mix Dot 5 with Dot 3 or 4.
    • Gasoline - use an additive for long term storage - Stabil
    • Coolant - 1 part coolant & 2 part water for best performance or 50/50 premixed coolant to make it easy.  Also recommend using a super coolant such as Rislone's Hy-per Cool.  Will lower the temperature by 10 degrees.
    • Carburetor dampers - SU's Zenith Damper Oil or 20 weight oil.  For older carbs 30 weight oil.  non-detergent.

    And after a hard day of renewing your cars fluids top it off with a cold beer of your choice.

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Houston MG Car Club

10119 Hibernia Dr.

Houston, TX  77088

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