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  • October 13, 2024 4:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Club member Rich Colwell wrote a great article about his 36 years of fun with his MG's.  Definitely worth the read -- many of us resonate with his experiences!

    The article is shared here with permission of NAMGAR’s MGA! Magazine.

    Rich Colwell MGAR Magazine Article.pdf

  • October 07, 2024 9:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Anytime the members of the Houston MG Car Club gather it is a special time with the driving of our cars, sharing a meal, helping each other keep our cars running and most importantly enjoying the friendship of fellow members.  But every once in awhile a day stands out as being truly special.  This month's monthly meeting was one of those days.

    It began with a moment of silence in memory of club member and friend Ralph Ratta.  He will be greatly missed by all of us.  From the many posts on Facebook it is clear that he touched many, many people across Texas and throughout the U.S. MG Community. 

    Next was the planned program for the meeting, the presenting of financial support to two local charities.  Each year the NAMGBR and the local host chapter commit to present 25% of the net proceeds from the NAMGBR Annual Conference and Car Show to support charitable organizations in the local community where the event was held.  The decision as to which charities to support is made by the local club.  We chose to support Katy Christian Ministries and The Brookwood Community.

    Presentation of check to Deysi Crespo, Katy Christian Ministries by Ron Redding and Bob Chalker

    Deysi Crespo, Executive Director of Katy Christian Ministries was on hand to receive their check and to share with us a little about the great work they are doing in the community.  KCM is a social services non-profit serving Katy/West Houston with programing that includes a food pantry, a crisis center for domestic abuse and sexual assault, emergency financial assistance, resiliency programs and a resale store to provide affordable, and often free, clothing and home goods.  In 2023 KCM served over 22,000 families with social services.  They also provided nearly 1.5 million meals, distributing 1.7 million pounds of food through the food pantry.  The crisis center served more than 3000 victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse and mental health issues.  If you would like to learn more about the ministry, make a further donation, or you need their help please go to their website

    Carol Thornburgh and Jeremy Weisinger, from The Brookwood Community, receiving their check.

    We also presented a check to The Brookwood Community.  Joining us to receive the check was Carol Thornburg, Chief Advancement Officer, Jeremy Weisinger, a resident of the community and his parents Janna and Mike Fries.  Brookwood's mission is "Through the grace of God, to providing an educational environment that creates meaningful work, builds a sense of belonging and awakens genuine purpose in the lives of adults with disabilities".  Brookwood is a residential community that provides work programs, health & wellness activities, fine arts and spiritual growth for the more than 200 citizens they are serving.  They also operate a gift & garden center, where the works of the residents are made available for purchase, and a restaurant staffed by the residents.  If you are in the Katy, area make it a point to visit this community, you will leave with a full stomach, gifts for your loved ones and a changed heart.  To learn more about The Brookwood Community or to make a donation go to

    You should take great pride in knowing that the Houston MG Car Club has provided financial support to local charities nearing $10,000 over the past two years.  This club truly is something special.

  • October 05, 2024 8:38 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The lastest standings for the Driver and the Safety Fast Award.  Results are through the end of September.  This is the last posting for the year.  Award winners will be announced at the Christmas Party!

  • September 25, 2024 12:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As was shared recently, Ralph Ratta, a member of our club and of the Texas MG Registry, died in an automobile accident at the Southeast British Motor Car Festival which was hosted by the Peachtree MG Registry in Dillard, GA.

    As many of our club knew and were friends with Ralph, his wife, Fay, asked that we share the following:

    The memorial service for Ralph will be held Saturday, October 5 at 11am at Oakwood Cemetery in Waco. Afterwards, we invite everyone to make the short drive to Ninfa's Restaurant for a complimentary lunch & celebration of his life. 

    Please wear casual colorful attire in celebration of Ralph’s casual and colorful spirit.

    Fay will need an approximate count for Ninfa's so if you plan to attend the lunch, please let me know by emailing me at

    Rob Ficalora, HMGCC Membership Chair

  • September 25, 2024 12:27 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This month's Texas MG Registry's newsletter had some excellent information about our car's wiring color scheme which I'm sharing below.  In addition, For MGB owners (as well as the lesser Triumph marque), a friend of mine, Steve Carrick, who owns Advanced AutoWire (which offers the absolute best aftermarket & upgraded wiriing harnesses for our cars), has the most complete set of wiring diagrams for Triumphs & MGB's that I know of. They can be found at in the "stock schematics" section.  It is worth downloading & printing the schematic for your year and even laminating it to keep in the car.

    This information below is what was in the Texas MG Registry's newsletter and is an excerpt from 'Rewiring Your MG' by Dave Braun.

    Wiring Colors

    Lucas wiring codes are simple and although there are occasional exceptions to the color codes, memorizing the codes is a worthwhile practice for someone rewiring or trouble-shooting a British car. The common color code letters are included here for reference. Please note that each of these codes have sub-codes that are denoted by colored 'tracers' but still follow the main code traits.

    BROWN (N) is a direct feed from the battery. It is always hot (un-switched) and un-fused. The only way to isolate a brown circuit is to disconnect it from the battery. Brown feeds go to the ignition switch, headlight switch, some hazard flashers, the starter relay, the alternator and the fuse box.

    PURPLE (P) is what become of a brown wire after it goes through the fuse box. Purple is always hot (unswitched) but fused. Purple circuits go to the horns; some hazard flashers; courtesy and door lamps and the flash to pass switch (yes...two 12-volt sources in that little dipping switch!). You can isolate the purple circuit by removing the fuse.

    WHITE (W) is what becomes of a brown wire after it goes through the ignition switch. White is only hot when switched and is un-fused. All the components that come on with the need to run the engine are on the white circuit, including the fuel pump, the ignition coil, on some cars the overdrive, any feeds to seatbelt circuits, the radio and the fuse box to provide a switched source of power.

    GREEN (G) is from the white wire after it goes through the fuse box. Green is switched and fused. Green circuits provide power to most of the gauge functions (including the infamous 'voltage stabilizer'), the turn signals, heater fan, wipers and brake lights. You can isolate the green circuits by removing the fuse.

    BLUE (U) is from the brown wire after it goes through the headlight switch. Blue is only hot when switched and un- fused. Blue goes to the headlight dipper where it becomes two important sub-codes - blue with a red tracer (UR) to the dipped beam lights and blue with a white tracer (UW) to the main beam lights.

    RED with GREEN TRACER (RG) is also from the brown wire after it goes to the headlight switch. I think this is where someone at Lucas went to lunch, had a few pints, came back and mixed up the codes. This is the code that goes to the fuse box with a tracer and comes out of the fuse box as a single color. So RED WITH GREEN is only hot when switched by the headlamp switch and it is un-fused. RED WITH GREEN goes to the fuse box as mentioned and also the gauge lamp switch or dimmer. A special subset of the RED WITH GREEN tracer is the RED WITH WHITE (RW) tracer wire that comes out of the gauge lamp switch (dimmer). The RED WITH WHITE tracer is the instrument lighting circuit.

    RED (R) denotes the RED WITH GREEN tracer wire after it goes through the fuse box. As such, red is switched and fused. Red circuits are the front parking lights, the tail-lights and the license plate lights.

    BLACK (B) wire is a ground wire. Any other color wire with a black tracer is likely the ground side switching wire for that component.

  • September 22, 2024 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Memories of the HMGCC by Wayne Moore

    I was asked to jot down a few of my special memories from Dixie's and my days in the Houston MG Car Club, so here goes.

    We joined the club in September of 1987. We were new to MGs but we were experienced in time-speed-distance rallies. A year or so after we became members there was a night rally planned for the club. We were excited, hoping to do well, maybe even to win the thing. That is, we were excited until we found out that one of our new members was a professional rallyist! This fellow had rallied in Mexico, South America, and other points north and south. To make matters worse he would be driving his showroom-new Porsche.

    The night of the rally the young pro showed up with his rally clothes on, his beautiful Porsche, and his very lovely fiancée. He was to drive and she would be his navigator. Oh, well, we figured you can't win them all.

    The rally began with the cars leaving the starting line three minutes apart. Truthfully, I can't remember how we did, but I remember that all of the cars finished; that is all of the cars except for one. You guessed it. The Porsche was nowhere to be seen. After an hour Mr. Pro was disqualified for being late.

    Just as Dixie and I were preparing to leave for home the Porsche arrived at the finish line. The rallyist and his bride-to-be were literally screaming at each other. He was accusing her of not being able ot read or follow instructions and she was accusing him of...oh well, you get the picture. The end of the story is that the wedding was called off and we never saw either of them again.

    Editor:  Competitive club rally events can be hazardous to relationships.  

  • September 15, 2024 12:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Ralph was also a member of the Houston MG Car Club and a friend to many of us.  As more information becomes available we will pass it along.  Please keep Fay (Ralph's wife), Greg and Mary in your thoughts and prayers.

  • September 11, 2024 10:59 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Attached is an update for the Driver's and the Safety Fast Award through the end of July 2024.

  • September 11, 2024 10:52 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    At the September, 2024 monthly meeting the Board of Directors recommended and the members in attendance approved a revision to the Club's Bylaws, Article III, Section (8) to revise the term that an individual serves in an officer position from two (2) to one (1) year.  

    The Board of Directors recognizes that a two year commitment is overly burdensome and preventing many people from being able to serve the club in the officer roles.  It is believe that the reduced term of service will facilitate more members being able to participate..

  • September 11, 2024 10:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The city of Shiner is as excited about our trip to the Spoetzl Brewery this weekend as we are.  This is obvious by the fact that the Shiner Gazette reached out to club member Jim Goldmeyer, who is coordinating the drive, to do a story.  

    This event is unique in that we will have members of the MG car clubs in Austin and San Antonio joining us.

    Click HERE to read the story.

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