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MG Car Club

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The Roars

  • September 02, 2019 9:36 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We still need volunteers for the GoF.  If you would like to help out you can either sign up at the September monthly meeting or send an email to with the activity for which you want to volunteer and your phone number.  

    If you would like to help out in more than one are please feel free to do so, but be consonant that your commitments don’t overlap from a timing standpoint.

    Registration – 5 Volunteers

    Kim Chalker has agreed to lead the registration effort with the assistance of Dwight & Candi Dawson.  We have a good team, but we could always use more help during the event.  Registration will be open Thursday, 4 to 6pm; Friday 8 to 11am and 2 to 4pm; and Saturday, 7 to 8:30am.  If you can help during one or all of these times, please volunteer.

    Auction Items – 2 Volunteers

    The GoF always gets a wealth of items donated for the auction held during the banquet.  Those items are on display at the registration site and then are moved to the banquet hall on Saturday afternoon.  We need two volunteers to help move these items, total trip is approximately 3 miles.  The commitment for this is 1 to 2 hours late Saturday afternoon.

    Friday Morning Drive – 3 Volunteers

    We need a couple volunteer to assist Bob Chalker with the Saturday morning drive.  The volunteers will be responsible for meeting the other participants in the parking lot and leading them out of Katy and on the drive following a pre-planned route.  Since the route is already planned, this is a fun way to volunteer and the commitment is only for Friday morning.

    Hemi Hideout drive – 3 Volunteers

    We need a couple volunteers to assist Ron Redding with the Saturday afternoon drive..  The volunteers will be responsible for meeting the other participants in the parking lot and leading them out of Katy and on the drive following a pre-planned route.  Since the route is already planned, this is a fun way to volunteer and the commitment is only for Friday afternoon.

    Saturday Morning Car Line up – 3 Volunteers

    We need someone to lead and a couple of assistants for the lining up of the cars in the Holiday Inn parking lot for the drive to the car show.  Based on the instructions of Barry Glass, the car show planner, you will line the cars up, by model, in the order that they are to enter the car show area downtown Katy.  Once lined up, you will lead them, following a map which will be provided, to the location for photos and then on to the car show.  There will be volunteers in the photo area and in the car show area to assist with direction.  The commitment is for an hour or so on Saturday morning.

    Car Show Staging – 4 Volunteers

    We need three to four people to assist with the staging of the cars on the street downtown Katy for the car show.  Barry Glass, from the TMGR will lead this activity but he needs a few people to help him.  The volunteers will need to be available from approximately 7 to 10am on Saturday morning.

    Car Photos – 2 Volunteers

    We will be taking photos of the participants in their cars in front of the MKT Caboose.  Gary Sandusky, from the TMGR, will be taking the photos, as he does for most GoF’s and his wife will be assisting him, but he could use one or two more volunteers to assure everything run smoothly.  You will need to be available Saturday morning from approximately 8:30 to 9:45am.

    Saturday Lunch – 3 Volunteers

    Fran Carpenter is the lead for the lunch and is making all the arrangements, but she needs two or three volunteers to help the day of the show to set up, distribute and clean up.

    Car Show Clean Up – 4 Volunteers

    In the past we have had issues with leaving litter behind at the show.  We have made a commitment to the City of Katy to assure we leave the area of the car show as good, if not cleaner, than we found it.  We need someone to lead this effort and two or three people to help.  We will be purchasing garbage cans and liners to place in the area of the show.  We need volunteers to make sure those cans are emptied when they are full and then to police the area during the event.  This commitment is for Saturday from 10:00am until the show ends Saturday afternoon. 

    Banquet Set Up and Clean Up – 5 or More Volunteers

    Ron Redding is coordinating the banquet and he needs at least four people the day of the banquet to assist in setting up, decorating and cleaning up afterwards.

    Please volunteer by signing up during the monthly meeting or sending an email to


  • August 29, 2019 12:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It may be 100 degrees and 85% humidity outside, but the Houston MG Car Club already has visions of sugar plumbs dancing in their heads.  This year's Christmas party will be Saturday, December 14th, Noon to 4:00 pm at Falcon Point Golf Club.  Mark it on your calendars, you don't want to miss it.  Registration is now open on the website. 

    Image result for christmas mgb

  • August 27, 2019 9:21 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    There is no doubt that the Houston MG Car Club is not letting the moss grow under our wheels and the mice to make nests under our bonnets.  There are several new events that have been posted.  Check them out, there is something for everyone.

    Texas All British Car Days - The club will be traveling together for the weekend in Round Rock for this excellent event.

    Great Pumpkin Rally - It has been a while since the club has had a rally, don't miss this not so scary event.

    Don't forget to register for the 30th Annual Houston All British Car Day and the Texas MG Register Gathering of the Faithful, the early bird registration for both events will be expiring soon.

    And stay tuned to the website as we will be announcing the plans for the Christmas Party very soon!

    It's awesome to be members of a club that is active and whose members love to drive their cars.

    Safety Fast!

  • August 17, 2019 4:27 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Dwight Dawson

    Saturday morning was again a perfect time to stop by a new member garage to welcome fellow LBC people.  David (Nugget) McNett and Monica Harrison rolled out their (3rd generation ownership) 1960 Austin Healey Bugeye Sprite in solid original condition.  It runs well but, like all our cars, it needs a little attention.  Nugget and Monica are both serious race aficionados and contenders and have the hardware to prove it. Don’t be fooled when you see just their seasoned Bugeye at a future event or meeting.  Rich Colwell, Ray Holtzapple and Dwight Dawson enjoyed Nugget and Monica’s hospitality at their home inside the Loop and hope you too can meet them soon.  

    Would love to have you all join us on these visits.

    (Dwight promises to have photos in the future)

  • August 09, 2019 8:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce that John Twist will be attending the 2019 Fall TMGR Gathering of the Faithful offering one of his famous rolling tech sessions on Saturday afternoon following the car show. John will join us, in Katy, for most of the event, joining us on the drives, walking the car show and attending the social events.  There will be plenty of opportunity to meet John and discuss the ins and outs of MG’s.

    The rolling tech session will be held on the Katy square, the location of the car show, from noon to 3:00pm.  During onsite registration, anyone interested in having John work on their car will be able to sign up for a random drawing.  The names of the 10 lucky registrants will be drawn onsite at the car show.   You must be present, with your car, at the time your name is drawn, otherwise we will move on to the next name.

    If you have never participated, or if you have, in one of John’s rolling tech sessions, it is a great experience.  Not only does John address issues with the cars, he takes the time to show and explain exactly what he is doing.  He is a patient teacher and enjoys answering questions and discussing the cars.  We are also working with John for him to make a slide presentation while he is with us.

    If you have not already registered for the GoF, we encourage you to do so soon.  You don’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from one of the world’s leading MG experts.  Early Bird registration closes September 30th.

  • August 09, 2019 12:43 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Although the organizers are being very tight lipped about the changes to the schedule and who the special guest might be, they have said that this will bring a very unique twist to the event, making it one no one is going to want to miss.  They also said to expect an announcement later today or early tomorrow morning.

  • August 09, 2019 12:23 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Dave Renner, photos by Dwight Dawson

    A baker’s dozen of HMGCC members and friends rolled into the air conditioned Del Mar Lanes at 3020 Mangum Rd on Saturday, July 27, 2019 to knock down some tenpins out of the summer sun. The high rollers split up between two lanes with random teams of six bowlers assembling per lane and the fun commenced. By chance, the more skilled bowlers in the group gravitated to one lane, while the rest hammered the hardwood on the other.

    The skilled team included Mike and Stephanie Woodward, Alex and Linda Laverock and Scott and Trish Hardy. Many strikes and spares were recorded on their scoreboard. On the other lane, Gordon Bard, Dwight and Candy Dawson and Dave and Linda Renner were joined by the Renners’ son Colin and “ringer” 2½ year old grandson Philip. While the skill level wasn’t as high, the spirits certainly were as Philip tried bowling for the very first time. Even gutter balls were cause for pure delight followed by total joy once the bumpers were raised and he knocked down some pins. Two hours passed with lots of laughter and more than a few groans. Several members of Team Philip would have loved to have the bumpers to improve their games.

    Once the last ball was rolled, the hungry and thirsty crew drove to the nearby Live Oak Grill for lunch and drinks. Tall tales were told and scores were inflated as the camaraderie was shared. Out in the parking lot under the tall oak trees, Gordon Bard’s 1973 MGB, the Dawsons’ 1973 MGB and the Hardys’ 1980 MGB gave other guests fair warning that the HMGCC was inside.

  • August 08, 2019 7:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A breaking story from the planning of the 2019 TMGR GoF in Katy, TX.  The news staff from The ROARS are pursuing a story that there will be a very special guest at the TMGR Gathering of the Faithful in Katy, TX.  It is expected that the story will be confirmed over the weekend.  Check The ROARS regularly for updates.

  • August 05, 2019 6:44 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Over thirty HMGCC members and guests attended our monthly meeting at Lyndon's BBQ and we almost exceeded the seating capacity of our assigned meeting room. 

    Members were provided with informative talks from Paul Kwan of the Lotus club and Nick Roccaforte of the Austin MG club both of whom extended invitations for us to join in some of their respective club activities. 

    Dwight reported that our numbers continue to grow with 127 paid up members at this time. In a similar manner our bank account continues to grow with a current balance of around $12,000.00 although, as Glen pointed out, approximately $4,000.00 of this is assigned for the ABCD and GOF.

    See y'all next month in Katy.

    Safety fast!


    The pictures below are courtesy of Roberto Fernandez :

  • August 01, 2019 8:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As always many thanks to Greg for keeping track of the award standings.

    Safety fast!


Contact Us:

Houston MG Car Club

10119 Hibernia Dr.

Houston, TX  77088

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