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  • December 31, 2024 7:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    2024 was a very good year for the Houston MG Car Club.  It is clear to me that the leadership during the last 5 years or so has been exemplary, and the club events exhibit a lot of vitality.  My thanks to the past leadership for leaving the club in a healthy status as we enter 2025.

    It is my hope that the driving trend will increase in 2025, and that the driving events will be desirable and fun, enticing club members to come out and join in celebrating our shared passion.  I am going to attempt to run a funkhana during our club picnic, something that I have not done before, but would like to.  If you have experience with organizing such an event, please reach out and give me your two cents.

    One activity that we will be doing more of is providing tech sessions and vehicle safety inspections throughout the year.  Additionally, if you are a club member, and your car is not on the road, please reach out to me.  We will come to your house and provide technical consultation/help so that you can benefit from those with experience in keeping these little cars running.

    Another fun event will  be watching club member Pete Sandy race his little British sports car at  MSR (Angleton, TX) on 26 April.  More details on this to come.

    The first monthly club meeting for 2025 is this Saturday at 11:00 at Lyndon's BBQ , 5320 Hollister just off Highway 290.  I hope to see you there.

    Rich Colwell, President

  • December 20, 2024 11:03 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Club Awards for 2024 were presented at the Christmas Party. The time and energy devoted to planning and coordinating driving and other events that generate these awards cannot be understated. Well done officers and volunteers!

    (Detail about each award can be seen on the website tab ABOUT/AWARDS.)


    Dash plaques, recognizing 500 or more miles driven in an MG, were provided to:

    • Ron Redding

    • Mike Craven

    • Bob Chalker

    • Greg Fleischer

    • Lee Drum

    • Vernon Jones

    • Dwight Dawson

    • Steve Sessions

    • Scott Kalish

    • Gavin Kidd

    SAFETY FAST AWARD (Most Events in an MG)
    • Mike Craven, attended 18 events
    KIMBER SPIRIT AWARD (Most Events in any Car)
    • Dwight and Candy Dawson
    MG DRIVER AWARD (Most Miles in an MG)
    • Ron Redding, 1849 miles (many in his 1958 MG Magnette)
    ALAN RAYNE MEMORIAL AWARD (also known as Broken Crankshaft Award
    • Ray Holtzapple
    • Arnel Brown, 1953 MG TD
    • Ron Redding
    PRESIDENT’S AWARD for member who has provided exceptional leadership or service 
    • Jim Goldmeyer
    • Greg Fleischer & Tony Galt

    Bob Chalker was honored for his leadership and accomplishments as President in 2023 and 2024. This included recognition from the North American MGB Register for coordination of a most successful NAMGBR national convention…MG2024 in Katy, Texas.

  • December 03, 2024 1:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Worst Road Trip… Ever!! NAMGBR 2025 in Crystal Lake, IL

    (NOTE:  Before you ask, Driver's Award miles are only accepted if 3 or more Members make the trip. This was decided by our Board of Directors.)

    So ever since Katy, you’ve been thinking about going to Crystal Lake, IL for NAMGBR 2025? You’d love to see how Chicagoland puts on a show, but don’t know how you’re going to get there? You thought you’d make the long trek to Calgary in 2023, but didn’t and now you have regrets? Well, you’re outa luck, because our drive to the Land of Lincoln will be THE WORST ROAD TRIP… EVER!!

    We hear you asking, “Why is it going to be THE WORST ROAD TRIP… EVER!! ?” Well, for one thing, you could make the trip in two days. Just hit the interstate and the cruise control on your MG and wake up in Chicago two days later. But no, not us! We’re going to take six friggin’ days! And those nice, comfortable interstates? Fugetaboudit! We’re going to take those miserable, two-lane, twisty roads that will make every day about 30 hours long!

    What else, you say? How about the scenery? We could choose to view the enchanting expanses of suburbia, with their arrays of neat strip malls and outlet stores. But instead, we’re going to expose you to fences, pastures, trees and hills. For mile after mile after endless mile.

    But surely it gets better when it comes to food, right? HAH! No more Chilis and Applebees for you! You better like those run-down local diners, with their “character” and “diverse” menus. And fast food? What advantage does a local drive-in have over the consistency and predictability of a McDonald’s or Chick Fil A?

    How about hotels? If you just hit the interstate, you could comfortably overnight in, say, Springfield, MO and cruise into Chi town the following day. But with us, you get an endless procession of roadside flop houses in every flea-bitten town in flyover country.

    So if we still haven’t convinced you that this road trip is entirely underwhelming, just check out this proposed itinerary:

    • ·       Day 1: Meet up in aptly named Suphur Springs, TX.
    • ·       Day 2: Bake in the sweltering Texas summer heat on your way to Hot Springs, AK. Where it also smells.
    • ·       Day 3: Fight off mosquitos in the Ozark National Forest and just try to get some rest in Branson, MO.
    • ·       Day 4: Get your kicks on Route 66 instead of the better interstate they replaced it with decades ago. Stop somewhere in the most boring part of the state.
    • ·       Day 5: Try to avoid crime ridden St. Louis, endure more Rte 66 and stay in Springfield, IL – a town that still celebrates log cabins. Really.
    • ·       Day 6: Try to not let the endless corn fields put you to sleep as you finally spill out of your car exhausted in Crystal Lake.

    If you’re still thinking of going to NAMGBR 2025, and if we haven’t convinced you that our route there will be THE WORST ROAD TRIP… EVER!!, then you have our deepest sympathy. If you would like to further discuss this or your other poor life choices, please contact Scott Hardy at and we will be glad to offer you a consultation. Offer only available until the end of April, 2025.

  • November 20, 2024 12:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our 34th Annual All British Car (and Motorcycle!) Day on October 12th was a great success! 

    We had over 70 cars registered this year and once again the weather cooperated giving us a beautiful day to show off our cars and enjoy everyone else’s pride and joy.   In addition to our MGs, we had a beautiful 2 owner original 1961 Rolls Royce along with other Rolls and Bentleys, Jags, Triumphs, and a nice turnout of our marque car this year, the Mini, including a rare example owned by David Fowler who won First Place.  

    The Butler House Restaurant was once again our host and they came through by opening up their patio for us even though they are closed for remodeling. A special thanks to them for all their help.  Again this year we had people driving by that wanted to participate and entered their cars that day. 

    In addition to our club’s great display of cars, our own Club band, Abingdon Express, provided live music!    Thanks goes to John Bowyer on Guitar and vocals, Walter Bernard on keyboards and vocals, Al Slayter on Bass, Ken Evesson on Drums and Ed Evesson as the sound guy and roadie.

    Our Show would not be possible without the great  help of volunteers that gave their time and efforts during the show to make it the success it was:

    Libby Nash, Doty Goldmeyer, Dwight and Candy Dawson...Silent Auction

    Byron Nash…Parking

    Scott Kalish and Roger Sykes…Entrance Directions/Handouts

    Steve Session…Show Co-Chair, art design, voting process, late Registration.  

    Our Annual British Car Day attracted the attention of the Houston area British Consulate who attended our festivities and handed out the winner awards. This was a treat and added British authenticity.  

    The biggest thanks goes to all that attended and participated this year! Without you there would only be an empty parking lot instead of little puddles of oil in each parking space! See y’all at the 35th Annual all British Car Day next year! 

    Lee Drum, Chairman

    The Awards:

    MGTD - Tracey Davidson

    MGA - James McWhinne

    MGB Chrome Bumper - 3 tied for first place 

                   James McWhinne

                   Ron Redding

                   Gavin Kidd

    MGB Rubber Bumper - David Lawrence 

    Austin Healey 100 - Neville Skead

    British Customized - Steve Session

    British Luxury - Ed Stacey

    British Special Interest - John Mottershaw

    British Vintage - Franklin Carpenter 

    Jaguar E Type - Erik Lipper

    Jaguar 1969 & Earlier - Eddie Doughty

    Jaguar 1970 & Later - Mike Woodward 

    Lotus 1988 & Later - Neil Humphries

    Mini - Dave Fowler

    Mini 2020 & Later - Doty Goldmeir

    Morgan - Kim Freeman 

    Triumph TR2 & TR3 -Kenny Daves 

    Triumph TR4 & TR250 Mike Hado

    Triumph TR6 - Neville Skead

    Triumph TR7 & TR8 - Williams Fickle

    Triumph Spitfire & GT6 - John Barrett

    Triumph Stag - Nik Jindal

    Motorcycle - Al Dykes

    Best in Show - Neville Skead

    People’s Choice - James McWhinnie

  • November 17, 2024 3:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear All,

    Here are the results.

    Published Results.pdf

  • November 04, 2024 11:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

     A September Run To Shiner, TX 

    The trip to Shiner was nicely organized by Jim Goldmeyer and Scott Hardy.  The Houston group showed up at Katy’s Bucee’s at 9AM.  We had 10 cars including a mixture of British and modern for support.  The 100 mile drive to Shiner started with some shade and cooler temperatures.  The Alamo Club from San Antonio and the Capital City Club from Austin met us at the Shiner Brewery.  There we enjoyed some live music, barbecue and cool Shiner’s beer.  There was a good turnout of automobiles from all 3 clubs. Mike Craven

  • November 04, 2024 10:02 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Saturday, October 26.  It was a great day for topless driving.  For the Buckner Parkway Place Senior Living Facility, the Club showed 8 cars including a Triumph and a 1956 Austin Healey...owned by one of the Residents.  A number of the Seniors showed up at 11 AM to take a look.  As usual many of them had an interesting story about when they had an LBC or something like the show cars.  As the photograph suggests, Jim Chase’s MG TC was likely the biggest hit of the show.  Five MGB’s, including both rubber & chrome bumpers,  rounded out the show.  A number of the facility staff members made a second visit to the show once the Residents finished, to get a closer look at the cars.  Just think of the day as you might  experience it...someday in the a Resident!  

    Photos and Text by Mike Craven

  • October 13, 2024 4:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Club member Rich Colwell wrote a great article about his 36 years of fun with his MG's.  Definitely worth the read -- many of us resonate with his experiences!

    The article is shared here with permission of NAMGAR’s MGA! Magazine.

    Rich Colwell MGAR Magazine Article.pdf

  • October 07, 2024 9:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Anytime the members of the Houston MG Car Club gather it is a special time with the driving of our cars, sharing a meal, helping each other keep our cars running and most importantly enjoying the friendship of fellow members.  But every once in awhile a day stands out as being truly special.  This month's monthly meeting was one of those days.

    It began with a moment of silence in memory of club member and friend Ralph Ratta.  He will be greatly missed by all of us.  From the many posts on Facebook it is clear that he touched many, many people across Texas and throughout the U.S. MG Community. 

    Next was the planned program for the meeting, the presenting of financial support to two local charities.  Each year the NAMGBR and the local host chapter commit to present 25% of the net proceeds from the NAMGBR Annual Conference and Car Show to support charitable organizations in the local community where the event was held.  The decision as to which charities to support is made by the local club.  We chose to support Katy Christian Ministries and The Brookwood Community.

    Presentation of check to Deysi Crespo, Katy Christian Ministries by Ron Redding and Bob Chalker

    Deysi Crespo, Executive Director of Katy Christian Ministries was on hand to receive their check and to share with us a little about the great work they are doing in the community.  KCM is a social services non-profit serving Katy/West Houston with programing that includes a food pantry, a crisis center for domestic abuse and sexual assault, emergency financial assistance, resiliency programs and a resale store to provide affordable, and often free, clothing and home goods.  In 2023 KCM served over 22,000 families with social services.  They also provided nearly 1.5 million meals, distributing 1.7 million pounds of food through the food pantry.  The crisis center served more than 3000 victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse and mental health issues.  If you would like to learn more about the ministry, make a further donation, or you need their help please go to their website

    Carol Thornburgh and Jeremy Weisinger, from The Brookwood Community, receiving their check.

    We also presented a check to The Brookwood Community.  Joining us to receive the check was Carol Thornburg, Chief Advancement Officer, Jeremy Weisinger, a resident of the community and his parents Janna and Mike Fries.  Brookwood's mission is "Through the grace of God, to providing an educational environment that creates meaningful work, builds a sense of belonging and awakens genuine purpose in the lives of adults with disabilities".  Brookwood is a residential community that provides work programs, health & wellness activities, fine arts and spiritual growth for the more than 200 citizens they are serving.  They also operate a gift & garden center, where the works of the residents are made available for purchase, and a restaurant staffed by the residents.  If you are in the Katy, area make it a point to visit this community, you will leave with a full stomach, gifts for your loved ones and a changed heart.  To learn more about The Brookwood Community or to make a donation go to

    You should take great pride in knowing that the Houston MG Car Club has provided financial support to local charities nearing $10,000 over the past two years.  This club truly is something special.

  • October 05, 2024 8:38 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The lastest standings for the Driver and the Safety Fast Award.  Results are through the end of September.  This is the last posting for the year.  Award winners will be announced at the Christmas Party!

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Houston MG Car Club

10119 Hibernia Dr.

Houston, TX  77088

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