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MG Car Club

It's all about the MG's - The British Sports Car America Loved First

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The Roars

  • June 20, 2024 3:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our hosting of a very excellent national meet of the North American MGB Register this year, in Katy, reminded me that we earlier hosted another national  meet, for the AMGBA.   In was June 1 and 2, 2001 in conjunction with our All British Motor Vehicle Exposition, which that year was held at Trader’s Village.   Ron Redding and I were credited with organizing the combined events.  

    It was the Annual Meet of The American MGB Association which was formed in 1975 in New York City.   Our event in 2001 was their second time in Texas.  In 1986, the event was in San Antonio.  Candy and I attended it, even before joining the Houston MG Club in 1992.  As the photo attests, we came home with an award! 

    Attorney Frank Ochal of Chicago was a key figure in the functioning of the AMGBA.  Unbeknownst to me, Frank died in December 2022 and the organization has since faltered.  Their website is no longer active.  Some information remains available at MGB.TIPS  

    The North American MGB Register was formed in late 1990 as the result of a strong demand for a non-profit, democratic organization which would be run by MG enthusiasts, for MG enthusiasts. NAMGBR is completely managed and run by club members.  It is a 501(c)7 nonprofit organization registered with the IRS and incorporated in the state of Illinois. NAMGBR also sought and gained the approval and support of the MG Car Club of England, the original and oldest of all MG clubs. Consequently NAMGBR is the only national MGB organization in the United States, Mexico and Canada officially sanctioned by the MG Car Club.

  • June 20, 2024 2:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Not quite AAA, but somewhat effective.

    In June, three members of the Houston MG Car Club travelled to Dickenson, Texas to help out  club member, Ms. Katie Embesi, who owns a red 1976 MG Midget named “Patootie”.  Katie had concerns around a lack-luster response in acceleration, and a car that was running a bit rough. 

    Rich Colwell, Ken Evesson and Bill Sysman arrived somewhat unprepared, being MGA owners, with  tools to adjust SU carbs, and lots of tools that were not needed at all.  However, as has been said: “fools venture where angels fear to tread.”  They had no experience with Zenith-Stromberg carburetors, but ventured ahead anyway.

    The car needed a little attention, but started right up.  Under the bonnet was a host of air pollution equipment that none of them were familiar with.  The air cleaner was not clipped into place, but zip-tied.    

    The Team began by checking for vacuum leaks (using aerosol carb cleaner) around the head and intake manifold, carburetor mounts, smog canisters, tubing, and fittings, and found none.

    They looked at the choke assembly, and noted that it seemed to be sticky.  They exercised it and sprayed it liberally with carb cleaner, removing dirt/soot. 

    Next, they removed the air cleaner (not sooted up).  Upon lifting the carburetor piston a tiny bit with a screwdriver, the idle rose and came back to an equilibrium idle.  This was a happy finding, as none of them had any experience with Zenith-Stromberg carburetors, and it appeared that the mixture was correct. The cable was also adjusted. 

    Ken noted that the piston’s dashpot was empty.  They scrounged for 30 weight oil, added it and got resistance in the chamber. Now the car was running more steadily, and acceleration was responsive.

    Next was a very noisy exhaust rattle.  A short-term solution: adding washers to the mounting system, tightening up supports, and creating a little clearance between the muffler and the body.   They saw the back-up lights not plugged in and attended to that.

     It became apparent that Katie is clearly one of us.  She dug into the Midget and learned her way around its electrical system.  In  short order she will develop expertise in Zenith-Stromberg carburetors, and then can teach us a few things. 

    It was gratifying for the Team to hear the Midget running better, and for them to learn a little bit about another classic MG model.  Best of all, it was great to see a smile on the face of our motivated and capable Club member Katie Embesi.   Patootie’s future is well-assured. 

  • June 15, 2024 12:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Steve Session arranged a unique “show and tell” for residents of the Morningstar Assisted Living facility on Richmond Ave.  They were pleased to have us there to see our old little British cars and to join and enjoy their “fish fry” which was a lot more than just fish!  Participants on that torrid Thursday afternoon were Jon Crocker,Jay Kleinheinz, Dwight Dawson.Steve and Jackie Session.  None of us  signed up there yet,  but it looks like good living, once we hang up our driving gloves.  

  • June 08, 2024 4:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    HMGCC Membership Trivia

    From a Membership report dated September 1989, there were 98 members.  This included 21 new members in the previous 6 months.  On this report, there are only 8 names that also appear on our Current Roster.  They are John Bowyer, Dean Kring (member #2), Dixie Moore, Hillary Scovell, Dave Renner, Joan Carr, Marilyn Proctor and Tom Dooley.  Membership in June 2024 is still growing from 176. We can expect more after the October All British Car Show.  Since we have Family Memberships, the actual number of people involved in the Club is currently well over 300.  It will be fun to also calculate the number of MGs that are with us collectively! 

    In the photo, member Joe Lopez reflects with the late Derek Scovell.  

  • June 06, 2024 5:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    When in New Zealand, you must reserve at least a half day for the Southward Car Museum.  It is the finest comprehensive collection of cars we have ever seen.  It is located in Paraparaumu, Wellington.   

  • June 06, 2024 9:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • May 13, 2024 4:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Well, that was one heck of a shindig!  Before going further let me thank all of those who travelled far and wide to join us.  We loved havin’ y’all here in Katy.  Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to travel deep into the heart of Texas.  When we began the planning, we could not have hoped for such a great event.  From the weather to the tech sessions to the driving tours it was a blast!

    I also want to take the opportunity to thank all of the volunteers from the Houston MG Car Club and the North American MGB Register. It is their hard work and dedication that made the event a success. I have worked on a lot of events over the years but because of the tremendous support this was one of the most enjoyable.

    We had over 250 people in attendance, registering over 150 cars, with 135 making it to Wednesday's Show Field.  The banquet was sold out and all of the driving events were a hit.

    And I can’t express enough how grateful we are to the City of Katy.  Thank YOU!

    There aren't enough words to describe what a great week it was, so the best way to enjoy MG2024 is through pictures (we all know they are worth a 1000 words).  So here you go!

  • April 05, 2024 4:40 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On March 16th a caravan of Houston MG Car Club members headed out for a 100 mile drive to celebrate 100 years of the MG Car Club. 

    It was a spirited drive with lots of twists and turns through the northwestern Houston countryside.  From the smiles on everyone's faces it was clear that drivers and navigators alike had a great time. 

    A little over halfway through the drive we stopped at the Yankee Tavern & Grill for a bit to eat and quench our thirst.

    I am not sure how our fearless leader, Rob Ficalora, arranged it but the threatening weather held off and we all stayed dry.  Good thing to because a couple brave souls left their hoods at home. 

    We ended the day with refreshments at Dave Griffith's garage,  Thanks Dave!!!  

    This drive was so well enjoyed that we have added it to the club's "Favorite Roads" page under Resources.  If you are looking for a great way to spend a day with your MG check out this page as it has several great roads for your enjoyment.

    A Big Thank YOU! to Rob for planning this event.  There is no better way that we could have celebrated a 100 years 

    Did you know that the official Centennial celebration of the MG car company spanned two years, mid-2023 to mid-2024.  If any MG Car Club member can share with us at a club meeting why this is the case we have a special prize for you!!


  • April 02, 2024 10:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    If you've been in our club long, you know Ken Evesson.  He's one of the necest people you can meet & an example of the best of what our club has to offer.  So, I'm especially excited to get to share (with the magazine's permission) a great article that the North American Classic MG Magazine featuring Ken & his MGA's!

    Ken Evesson - Classic MG Article JAN 2024.pdf


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Houston MG Car Club

10119 Hibernia Dr.

Houston, TX  77088

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