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MG Car Club

It's all about the MG's - The British Sports Car America Loved First

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The Roars

  • March 24, 2020 9:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Mike Woodward


    Hub-centric wheels are designed for the hub center bore of the wheel to be a perfect match to the vehicle. This allows the wheel to be centered on the vehicle hub, which is the most accurate way to center the wheel. Most original equipment wheels are designed to be hub-centric because the manufacturer designs wheels specifically for each vehicle.


    As opposed to hub-centric wheels, lug-centric wheels are centered on the vehicle using the lug holes. Most aftermarket wheels are lug-centric because this allows the manufacturer to make the wheels with larger hub bore diameters so that the wheel can fit a wider array of vehicles. Manufacturers make the center bore larger because a center bore that is smaller than the vehicle hub will not be able to secure safely to the vehicle.


    Most MGs use hub-centric wheels but the MGB LEs use lug-centric wheels that were also used on the Triumph Stag. This means that when you take your LE wheels to be balanced on a standard dynamic wheel balancer that is designed for hub-centric wheels and locates on the hub, it may not work! The solution is to use an adaptor that fits on the machine that locates the wheel in the lugs while it is being balanced. A typical adaptor is shown below and can be borrowed from Mike Woodward by any HMGCC club member.

    Safety fast!

    The second entry in this week’s Corona Competition, check back throughout the week for more entries.

  • March 21, 2020 8:11 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Francis (Chip) Uricchio M.D.

    Forty years ago I owned my first MGB. I was living in Philadelphia and going to school in Boston. Upon driving back to school up I-95 in MGB #1, I stopped at the Vince Lombardi rest area just south of NYC. When I turned off the ignition, the car saw fit to dump an entire oil pan of motor oil on the ground. I was aware that automobiles occasionally leaked oil, but this was unusual. I figured out that as long as the engine was running, the oil stayed put. So I turned around, drove back to Philly, and made other arrangements to get to Boston. I left the car with a mechanic friend who made the necessary repairs. As it turned out, the gasket on the mount that holds the oil filter away from the block failed and caused my difficulty. 

    This seems like a problem that only an MG could have. I laugh about it now, but I was not amused at the time!

    The first entry in the Corona Competition, check back throughout the week for more entries.

  • March 21, 2020 8:01 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The first week of The Corona Competition is complete and we, your faithful editors, had mail! All of the submissions received each week will be published in The Roars and the winner of the breath-taking prize for that week will be announced after the final entry is posted. So, read on intrepid members.

    And as Dean Martin used to say, “…keep those cards and letters coming in.”

    Linda and Dave Renner

    Breath-taking Corona Competition Prize

  • March 21, 2020 3:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Texas MG Register announced earlier today that their 2020 Spring Gathering of the Faithful scheduled for May 7-10th has been cancelled.  The following is a letter from TMGR President Greg Poffenbarger.

    In response to COVID-19 and restrictions on gatherings, the TMGR leadership has cancelled the 2020 Spring GoF in Killeen, originally scheduled for May 7-10, 2020Eric Olson cancelled the hotel reservations for everyone who registered under the TMGR special price rate at Shiloh Inn Suites. If you registered individually without advising the hotel you were with the TMGR group, you will need to call the hotel and cancel your stay. The TMGR will be making full refunds to those who have already registered and made payments. 

    TMGR is also cancelling all other club sponsored events until further notice.

    Announcement of new Board Members will be made through BACKROADS, the TMGR website and Facebook. 

    We will keep everyone informed about future activities using these three forums.

    Please stay healthy and safe.

    “Safety Fast”

    Greg Poffenbarger
    President, TMGR
  • March 18, 2020 5:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Club wants to provide a fun, alternative event while all our normal activities are virus-limited.  

    To participate, Members are invited to submit an MG-related piece for our online newsletter, The Roars. Eligible are short stories, technical tips, interesting photos or other bits that celebrate our Octagonal World. Each week, a Prize Winner will be selected by our ROARS EDITORS. Send your email entries to David Renner at  

    Dave and Linda will review the entries and notify our President of their winning selection. A breath-taking prize will be awarded to each Winner and the submission posted on The Roars page.   

    Have fun!  

    Safety fast!


  • March 10, 2020 2:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our long time member, Bob Crow, passed on a couple of articles from mgenthuisiast and Hemmings which we cannot publish due to copyright restrictions but we can point out the high points, from these articles in this reader's perspective which were :

    1. Before buying a classic car join the local club and get guidance as to how much to pay  and where to get your next classic car.

    2. Participate in monthly meetings to learn more about the cars, where to get them repaired, how to fix simple problems yourself and where to obtain parts etc.

    3. Meet other members and enjoy the social aspects of the club.

    4. Recommend guest speakers and topics for the monthly meetings and even consider being a guest speaker yourself and provide an interesting story about your involvement and introduction to this fascinating hobby.

    5. Above all get involved to appreciate all the club has to offer.

    Safety fast!


    p.s. I am always open to suggestions for monthly meeting topics, just send me an email through the club website. :)

  • March 08, 2020 4:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Saturday March 7 fourteen members of the Houston MG car club attended the Autocross co-sponsored by the Texas Triumph Register and the Houston MG Car Club. Ten of them then proceeded to don crash helmets and take to the track for an absolute fun experience.

    A picture is worth a thousand words so here is a taste what happened :

    After the event the results were published and here they are :

    Regrettably we had our first contender for the Broken crankshaft award when Pete Sandy's Pertronix ignition failed :(

    Fortunately this happened on Pete's last run and needless to say the "Mark Of Friendship" came through and a band of MG volunteers helped Pete get his car home.

    -Mark your calendars for the next Autocross so you too can enjoy this fun and safe activity.

    Safety fast!


  • March 05, 2020 6:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Here are the current standings. Thanks as always to Greg for putting this together.

    Safety fast!


  • February 29, 2020 3:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

     A great time with good friends at the Quarterly Breakfast in Rosenberg. It was great to see Wayne and Dixie once again at a club event.  Thanks as always to our events chair Trish Hardy for putting this together.

  • February 17, 2020 7:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ...Or not, you decide.  This vehicle was posted for sale on the Bring A Trailer website.

     A Brooklands Renaissance Roadster based on a 1968 MGB

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Houston MG Car Club

10119 Hibernia Dr.

Houston, TX  77088

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