Our long time member, Bob Crow, passed on a couple of articles from mgenthuisiast and Hemmings which we cannot publish due to copyright restrictions but we can point out the high points, from these articles in this reader's perspective which were :
1. Before buying a classic car join the local club and get guidance as to how much to pay and where to get your next classic car.
2. Participate in monthly meetings to learn more about the cars, where to get them repaired, how to fix simple problems yourself and where to obtain parts etc.
3. Meet other members and enjoy the social aspects of the club.
4. Recommend guest speakers and topics for the monthly meetings and even consider being a guest speaker yourself and provide an interesting story about your involvement and introduction to this fascinating hobby.
5. Above all get involved to appreciate all the club has to offer.
Safety fast!
p.s. I am always open to suggestions for monthly meeting topics, just send me an email through the club website. :)