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MG Car Club

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The Roars

  • January 11, 2019 11:27 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Bob Chalker

    When I made the decision to put a cream colored vinyl top on my MGB, I knew that my nemesis was going to be dirt and that keeping it clean would be an ongoing battle. Up until a couple of weeks ago I had been successfully winning the battle— that is, until I ran into an army of bugs on the way home from the GOF in Waco.  

    Upon arriving home, the top had several bug splats, most of which were easily removed with a combination of soap and water, vinyl cleaner, and a little elbow grease; except one, which was a brilliant baby poop yellow. It wasn’t very big, but because of its color and location right dead in the middle, it drew your eye right to it.  

    Beyond the cleaning methods already mentioned, I tried just about everything else, even mineral spirits and a lacquer thinner. I bought some expensive cleaner from Amazon that had a 4-1/2 star rating and rave reviews. Nothing worked. In fact, it was getting worse as my efforts just seemed to spread the stain. I was reaching the point where I thought I was just going to have to accept the fact that the top would be discolored. Then I had the most brilliant of ideas: ask my wife Kim. She’ll know what to do. She is the master cleaner. She cleans everything in our home.  

    So I trooped into the kitchen, taking off my shoes at the door because she had just cleaned the kitchen floor, and with sadness in my voice shared with Kim my dilemma. She didn’t hesitate. “Did you try coconut oil?” Coconut oil? Who would use coconut oil to clean a car’s vinyl top?  

    Well, without much expectation of success, I asked Kim if she had any coconut oil, which, of course, she did. As she handed me the jar, she said, “I use it all the time, even to clean the gummy residue on our suitcases from those stickers the airlines use.” Hmm, maybe she was onto something. So I trod back out to the garage with my spoonful of coconut oil and applied it liberally with my finger. As I rubbed it in, the oil began to melt and the bug guts started to come off as I wiped the area with a wet cloth. With that first application it didn’t get fully clean, but the stain lightened enough to give me hope. So I put on a second application and let it sit overnight. 

    The next morning I was out in the garage very early, with my wet cloth in hand and expectations high. As I wiped it down, the stain was almost completely gone. One more application of the coconut oil and— success! You would never know that a bug gave up his life on my cream colored vinyl top.  

    Since then I discovered it works well on my leather seats.  Plus I found an article online noting that not only does coconut oil clean the leather safely it also is a natural conditioner. Like all new cleaners it is recommended that you try it in a inconspicuous place first.

    Coconut oil is my new favorite cleaner. I just hope Kim keeps the pantry in stock.

  • January 06, 2019 7:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Bob Chalker

    2019 is off to a great start with our first monthly meeting of the year. We had almost 40 people turn out at Moe's Irish Pub in Katy.  So many people that Moe's staff had to add additional tables and chairs multiple times.  The banger's and mash, fish & chips and shepherd's pie were brilliant and the conversation and energy was as high as it has ever been at a club monthly meeting.  The warm temperatures and blue sky allowed many of us to drive our cars.

    We had several first time guests, including a few members of the Texas Triumph Register.  (No, we did not make them park their cars in the back of the parking lot).  The highlight of the meeting was a report from Triumph Club Events Chair, John Blum, on their plans for 2019.   In addition, President Mike Woodward reviewed our 2019 events calendar.  Board Chairman Mike Gentry presented the new format for this year's awards program.

    Mike Woodward, 2019-20 Club President asking for quiet so he can give his report

    Dwight Dawson had a selection of new club shirts available to purchase or order.  Photos of the shirts can be seen in the December 15th post below.  If you are interested in ordering a shirt go to the websites store or contact Dwight.  They were very popular.

    A shirt to match every color of car

    A good time was had by all as demonstrated by the great conversation, laughter and tire kicking.  So much so that we were honored to have three of the guests join the club bringing our club membership to over 110.  

    Speaking of club membership, please don't forget to renew your membership.  We still have 25 members who have not renewed for 2019.

    Houston MG Car Club members friendly as always

    So many people that Mike and Kim helped out with the serving

    Mike Woodward and John Blum planning joint Triumph and MG Car Club Events

    Now to the cars.....

    Check out the two MG Wanna-be's in the middle

    See, I told you we let them park with our babies

    Not sure why the tops were up on a warm blue sky day

    Property values are going up

    The End!

  • January 06, 2019 2:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Fellow MG Enthuisiast,

    Please see attached standings as of December 2018. Thanks as always to Greg Fleischer for keeping up with all of these events.

    Safety fast,


    MG Driver Award 2019 (1).pdf

  • January 04, 2019 9:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dwight Dawson reports "This is a favorite and rather infamous memory from a Club event.  The game was Butt Darts.  Note the bowl at Charlie Wiggins feet."

  • January 01, 2019 8:26 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Happy New Year!

    2018 was a great year for the club as we saw an increase in the number of events, both driving and social, a new website and improved communication with the members.  As a result we are experiencing growing participation and several new members have joined the club.  

    2019 is looking even better.  The highlight of the year will be in October (17-20th) when the club hosts the Fall Gathering of the Faithful in Katy.  In addition, Mike Woodward, Club President & Events Chair, has put together an excellent schedule with both social and driving events every month.  The year will have a mix of our traditionally popular events and several new experiences. 

    What's new you ask?  Well let me tell you - We will host several tech sessions, a gimmick rally, two overnight trips, a day drive to a WWII museum, a bowling party, a beach party and a visit to the Art Car Museum. 

    The traditional includes the annual picnic, Tour of Rice Village, quarterly breakfasts, tech sessions, president's social, the Spring Thing and Houston All British Car Day.  

    And remember, our club is made up of all volunteers who give of their time to plan these events, so please come out and support them.  Our cars were made for driving.  If you would like to help with any of the events or have an idea for an event please send an email to  We will especially need volunteers for the Fall GoF.  With your help, we can make it the best ever.

    To see all the events go to the  2019 Events page.

    REMINDER:  If you have not already renewed your membership for 2019 now is the time to do it.  Go to your profile page and follow the instructions at the top of the page or mail a check to our Membership Chair Dwight Dawson.  His address is in the Directory.

  • December 23, 2018 8:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear All,

    To help plan your new MG year please see below the preliminary event calendar for 2019. Additional information on each event will be posted on the website nearer to the event. Please be sure to mark your calendars for the Fall GOF which this year will be hosted by our club.

    Safety fast!


    Month                Date                    Activity                                                        Organiser

    January               5                       Monthly Meeting                                      Mike Woodward

                                12                       Quarterly breakfast                                 Mike Woodward

                                19                       Ceramic Coating Tech Session              Mike Woodward


    February             2                       Monthly Meeting                                      Mike Woodward

                                16                       President's Social                                     Mike Woodward

                                23                       Tech Session                                               Ray Holzapple


    March                 2                        Monthly Meeting                                      Mike Woodward

                                 9                         Gimmick Rally                                            Dave Renner

                                15,16,17           Nacodoches Trip                                       Mike Woodward

                                23                       WW2 Museum trip                                   Fred Whitla


    April                    6                       Monthly Meeting                                       Mike Woodward

                                20                      Spring Thing                                                Ron Redding

                                27                      Quarterly Breakfast                                  Mike Gentry


    May                    4                         Monthly Meeting                                       Mike Woodward

                                11                       Tech Session                                               Ron Redding

                                18                       Spring GOF                                                  Ron Redding


    June                    1                        Monthly Meeting                                      Mike Woodward

                                15                       Picnic                                                             Dwight Dawson

                                22                       Off to the Races                                         Mike Woodward

                                29                       Richmond Winery                                      Jim Early


    July                     6                         Monthly Meeting                                      Mike Woodward

                                13                        Quarterly Breakfast                                 Ray Holzapple

                                20                        Bowling                                                        Dave Renner


    August                3                        Monthly meeting                                       Mike Woodward

                                10                       Quarterly breakfast                                   Bob Chalker

                                17                       Beach Party                                                  Marylin Procter

                                24                       Art Car Museum                                          Dave Renner


    September         7                        Monthly meeting                                       Mike Woodward

                                14                         Tour of Rice Village                                   Ray Holtzapple

                                21                         Houston All British Car Day                    John Bowyer/Mike Gentry

                                27,28,29              All British Car Day                                     Nick Roccaforte


    October              5                          Monthly meeting                                      Mike Woodward

                                17, 18, 19, 20      Fall GOF                                                       Bob Chalker/Ron Redding

                                26                          Quarterly Breakfast                                Dwight Dawson


    November          2                          Monthly Meeting                                      Mike Woodward

                                9,10                      Galveston Weekend                                 Dave Renner/Bob Chalker

                                22                          Black Friday drive                                     Mike Gentry


    December          14                        Christmas Party                                        Mike/Stephanie,Candy,Hillary


  • December 22, 2018 9:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Wishing Everyone a very Merry Christmas!

    May it be joyous, peaceful, filled with family and friends

  • December 15, 2018 11:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Are you looking for a great Christmas present for you favorite Houston MG Car Club Member.  How about a club shirt!  We have two styles available in our website store

  • December 12, 2018 7:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Bob Chalker

    The Club’s 2018 Christmas party was a smashing success. Falcon Point had the room beautifully decorated, a fire in the fireplace, and excellent food. Our President, Susan Cannon had prepared two fun trivia games with very nice prizes. (Ask Ron Redding to show you his new watch!) The only thing that didn’t work out was the weather but, of course, it wouldn’t be a Houston MG Car Club event if it didn’t rain. Two MGs— the Bards’ 1973 MGB and the Chalkers’ 1972 MGB—graced the parking lot in spite of the cold, wet day.

    The best part was the great turnout of club members and guests. As we all know, we joined the club because of the cars, but keep attending events because of the people. Each year the Christmas party is a highlight of our motoring season.

    A very special thank you to Susan and Keith Cannon for their hard work in planning a wonderful event.


    Traditionally, one of the most anticipated moments of the party is the presentation of the annual awards. This year’s winners are:

    Ralph Diebert Award - Jim Early

    Driver’s Award - Dwight Dawson

    Kimber Spirit Award - Mike Woodward

    Safety Fast Award - Bob Chalker

    Broken Crankshaft Award - Dwight Dawson

    Board of Directors’ Award - Bob Chalker

    Presidential Recognition Award - Susan Cannon

    A few more photos.....

  • December 08, 2018 5:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Club is proud to announce the new 2019 officers and board members.

    Mike Woodward, President

    Greg Fleischer, Vice President

    Dwight Dawson, Board of Directors

    Ray Holtzapple, Board of Directors

    John Bowyer, Board of Directors

    Continuing in their roles are:

    Mike Gentry, Chairman of the Board

    Tim Weeks, Secretary

    Fran Carpenter, Treasurer

    Dwight Dawson, Membership Chair

    Mike Woodward, Events coordinator

    Bob Chalker, Webmaster

    Stephen Fillmore, Regalia

    Dave & Linda Renner, Editor, the ROARS

    If you would like to volunteer with the club we can always use the help and would love to have you join us.  There are many opportunities - plan an event, submit an article to the ROARS or help with the organization of the car shows.  In October, 2019 we will be hosting the Texas Gathering of the Faithful, we will need lot's of help with this.

Contact Us:

Houston MG Car Club

10119 Hibernia Dr.

Houston, TX  77088

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